Cute Pigs Pictures Biography
Pigs (hogs in the United States) can be farmed as free range, being allowed to wander around a village, kept in fields, or tethered in a simple house. In developed countries, farming has moved away from traditional pig farming and pigs are now typically intensively farmed. Today, pig farms are significantly larger than in the past, with most large-scale farms housing 5,000 or more pigs in climate-controlled buildings. With 100 million pigs slaughtered each year, these efficiencies deliver affordable meat for consumers and larger profits for producers.[1]
Individual farm management focuses on housing facilities, feeding and ventilation systems, temperature and environmental controls and the economic viability of their operations. Just as producers have to determine profit margins and types of facilities and equipment for their farm, they must also find the practices that best fit their specific situation. Some procedures and treatments are known to stress the animals and producers should consider the animals' welfare, health and management in correspondence with accepted husbandry skills.
Almost all of the pig can be used as food. Preparations of pig parts into specialties include: sausage, bacon, gammon, ham, skin into pork scratchings, feet into trotters, head into a meat jelly called head cheese (brawn), and consumption of the liver, chitterlings, blood (blood pudding or black pudding) are common.
[edit]Production and trade
Global pig stocks
in 2007
Pigs are farmed in many countries, though the main consuming countries are in Asia, meaning there is a significant international and even intercontinental trade in live and slaughtered pigs. Despite having the world's largest herd, China is a net importer of pigs, and has been increasing its imports during its economic development. The largest exporters of pigs are the United States, European Union, and Canada. As an example, more than half of Canadian production (22.8 million pigs) in 2008 was exported, going to 143 countries.[2]
Pigs are extensively farmed, and therefore the terminology is well developed:
Pig, hog or swine, the species as a whole, or any member of it. The singular of "swine" is the same as the plural.
Shoat, piglet or (where the species is called "hog") pig, unweaned young pig, or any immature pig.
Sucker, a pig between birth and weaning.
Runt, an unusually small and weak piglet, often one in a litter.
Boar or hog, male pig of breeding age.
Barrow, male pig castrated before puberty.
Stag, male pig castrated later in life, (that is, an older boar after castration).
Gilt, young female not yet mated, or not yet farrowed, or after only one litter (depending on local usage).[3]
Sow, breeding female, or female after first or second litter.
Finishing hogs on a farm in central Arkansas.
Suckling pig, a piglet slaughtered for its tender meat.
Feeder pig, a weaned gilt or barrow weighing between 18 kg (40 lb) and 37 kg (82 lb) at 6 to 8 weeks of age that is sold to be finished for slaughter.
Porker, market pig between 30 kg (66 lb) and about 54 kg (120 lb) dressed weight.
Baconer, a market pig between 65 kg (140 lb) and 80 kg (180 lb) dressed weight. The maximum weight can vary between processors.
Grower, a pig between weaning and sale or transfer to the breeding herd, sold for slaughter or killed for rations[clarification needed].
Finisher, a grower pig over 70 kg (150 lb) liveweight.
Butcher hog, a pig of approximately 100 kg (220 lb), ready for the market. In some market (Italy) the final weight of butcher pig is in the 180 kg (400 lb) range. This for have hind legs suitable to produce cured ham.
Backfatter, cull breeding pig sold for meat; usually refers specifically to a cull sow, but is sometimes used in reference to boars.
Cute Pigs Pictures Biography
Pigs (hogs in the United States) can be farmed as free range, being allowed to wander around a village, kept in fields, or tethered in a simple house. In developed countries, farming has moved away from traditional pig farming and pigs are now typically intensively farmed. Today, pig farms are significantly larger than in the past, with most large-scale farms housing 5,000 or more pigs in climate-controlled buildings. With 100 million pigs slaughtered each year, these efficiencies deliver affordable meat for consumers and larger profits for producers.[1]
Individual farm management focuses on housing facilities, feeding and ventilation systems, temperature and environmental controls and the economic viability of their operations. Just as producers have to determine profit margins and types of facilities and equipment for their farm, they must also find the practices that best fit their specific situation. Some procedures and treatments are known to stress the animals and producers should consider the animals' welfare, health and management in correspondence with accepted husbandry skills.
Almost all of the pig can be used as food. Preparations of pig parts into specialties include: sausage, bacon, gammon, ham, skin into pork scratchings, feet into trotters, head into a meat jelly called head cheese (brawn), and consumption of the liver, chitterlings, blood (blood pudding or black pudding) are common.
[edit]Production and trade
Global pig stocks
in 2007
Pigs are farmed in many countries, though the main consuming countries are in Asia, meaning there is a significant international and even intercontinental trade in live and slaughtered pigs. Despite having the world's largest herd, China is a net importer of pigs, and has been increasing its imports during its economic development. The largest exporters of pigs are the United States, European Union, and Canada. As an example, more than half of Canadian production (22.8 million pigs) in 2008 was exported, going to 143 countries.[2]
Pigs are extensively farmed, and therefore the terminology is well developed:
Pig, hog or swine, the species as a whole, or any member of it. The singular of "swine" is the same as the plural.
Shoat, piglet or (where the species is called "hog") pig, unweaned young pig, or any immature pig.
Sucker, a pig between birth and weaning.
Runt, an unusually small and weak piglet, often one in a litter.
Boar or hog, male pig of breeding age.
Barrow, male pig castrated before puberty.
Stag, male pig castrated later in life, (that is, an older boar after castration).
Gilt, young female not yet mated, or not yet farrowed, or after only one litter (depending on local usage).[3]
Sow, breeding female, or female after first or second litter.
Finishing hogs on a farm in central Arkansas.
Suckling pig, a piglet slaughtered for its tender meat.
Feeder pig, a weaned gilt or barrow weighing between 18 kg (40 lb) and 37 kg (82 lb) at 6 to 8 weeks of age that is sold to be finished for slaughter.
Porker, market pig between 30 kg (66 lb) and about 54 kg (120 lb) dressed weight.
Baconer, a market pig between 65 kg (140 lb) and 80 kg (180 lb) dressed weight. The maximum weight can vary between processors.
Grower, a pig between weaning and sale or transfer to the breeding herd, sold for slaughter or killed for rations[clarification needed].
Finisher, a grower pig over 70 kg (150 lb) liveweight.
Butcher hog, a pig of approximately 100 kg (220 lb), ready for the market. In some market (Italy) the final weight of butcher pig is in the 180 kg (400 lb) range. This for have hind legs suitable to produce cured ham.
Backfatter, cull breeding pig sold for meat; usually refers specifically to a cull sow, but is sometimes used in reference to boars.
Cute Pigs Pictures Biography

Cute Pigs Pictures Biography

Cute Pigs Pictures Biography

Cute Pigs Pictures Biography

Cute Pigs Pictures Biography

Cute Pigs Pictures Biography

Cute Pigs Pictures Biography

Cute Pigs Pictures Biography

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