Cute Moving Pictures Biography
Remember the end of Michael Jackson's 1991 music video "Black or White" in which a series of different faces morph into one other? Now you can create the same effect at home with your own digital photo collection.
New software pulls all the photos of a specific person from a collection of tagged photos, analyses them for similarity of expression and head position, and links them in an animated movie. The final product can turn a smile into a frown or show how a person has aged over time.
"We can easily summarise a person's life in photos," says Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington who led the study. One example shows a girl growing from birth to age 20 in 2 minutes.
For traditional morphing used in Jackson's music video, each photo needs to be carefully marked to ensure a smooth conversion. A mouth pixel on the first photo must remain a mouth pixel in the second. And the computer creates the moving transitions from one photo to the next.
This new software uses existing photos to transition between the two images. It chooses each photo in the animated sequence based on its similarity to the previous image, while moving incrementally toward the person's head position and facial expression in the final photo. With collection of several hundred or thousand images, there are to be plenty of shots that capture a range of expressions.
Kemelmacher-Shlizerman will present this work in a paper at SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques), a conference in Vancouver, Canada, next week.
A version of this software is now available in Picasa, a photo-hosting site run by Google, as a feature called Face Movie. This application is simplified to speed playback and doesn't display the photos chronologically.The official motto of Unseen University is "Nunc Id Vides, Nunc Ne Vides", loosely translated as "Now you see it, now you don't". The unofficial motto is "η β π", or "Eta Beta Pi" (Eat a Bit of Pie or Eat a Better Pie (according to the Hogfather novel).
The coat of arms is azure, a livre des sortilèges, attaché en cuivre, sur un chapeau pointu. (That is: a blue field bearing a book of magic spells, with copper clasps, over a pointed hat.) As usually rendered, the coat bears a strong resemblance to the coat of arms of the University of Oxford.
The title wizard is said to be derived from the archaic word "Wys-ars", meaning one who, at bottom, is very wise. In fact, the older wizards tend not to understand how magic actually works at all, instead relying on centuries of lore to achieve their effects. Younger wizards enthusiastically experiment, pushing back the boundaries of knowledge and making new discoveries about the nature of the universe. They don't understand how magic works either, but have much more exciting words to explain why not. These often invoke images of particle physics. The main issue is a generalized worry to where the power actually comes from and what sort of (often eldrich and downright monsterous) entities excessive use can attract.
An eighth son of an eighth son is automatically a wizard. When a wizard nears death – which they know some time in advance – he formally passes on his staff to a newborn wizard. If a wizard happens to have an eighth son, this child will be a "wizard squared" or "Sourcerer", as he generates his own magic and can therefore do just about anything with no effort. This is very dangerous, both because absolute power corrupts absolutely, and because it increases background magic levels considerably. Because of this, wizards generally lack children, due to both rigid celibacy laws and overall non-enabling personality. Besides a mention of Krull (see below) and the prominent Eskarina Smith, all wizards are implicitly male, though this may be a cultural bias of the Unnamed Continent confirmed by narravitium.
Wizards grade magical ability in a series of levels, the highest of which is eight. People without magical ability are "level zero". It was the opinion of many tutors at the time Rincewind was a student that he had a level that was possibly in minus figures, and that the overall magical potential of humanity would actually increase after his death.
Besides the UU, Wizard magic is known to be taught at Bugarup University in Fourecks (Archchancellor, Bill Rincewind) and Krull University in the secretive nation of Krull, as well as the recently-established Braseneck College in Pseudopolis.
Cute Moving Pictures Biography
Remember the end of Michael Jackson's 1991 music video "Black or White" in which a series of different faces morph into one other? Now you can create the same effect at home with your own digital photo collection.
New software pulls all the photos of a specific person from a collection of tagged photos, analyses them for similarity of expression and head position, and links them in an animated movie. The final product can turn a smile into a frown or show how a person has aged over time.
"We can easily summarise a person's life in photos," says Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington who led the study. One example shows a girl growing from birth to age 20 in 2 minutes.
For traditional morphing used in Jackson's music video, each photo needs to be carefully marked to ensure a smooth conversion. A mouth pixel on the first photo must remain a mouth pixel in the second. And the computer creates the moving transitions from one photo to the next.
This new software uses existing photos to transition between the two images. It chooses each photo in the animated sequence based on its similarity to the previous image, while moving incrementally toward the person's head position and facial expression in the final photo. With collection of several hundred or thousand images, there are to be plenty of shots that capture a range of expressions.
Kemelmacher-Shlizerman will present this work in a paper at SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques), a conference in Vancouver, Canada, next week.
A version of this software is now available in Picasa, a photo-hosting site run by Google, as a feature called Face Movie. This application is simplified to speed playback and doesn't display the photos chronologically.The official motto of Unseen University is "Nunc Id Vides, Nunc Ne Vides", loosely translated as "Now you see it, now you don't". The unofficial motto is "η β π", or "Eta Beta Pi" (Eat a Bit of Pie or Eat a Better Pie (according to the Hogfather novel).
The coat of arms is azure, a livre des sortilèges, attaché en cuivre, sur un chapeau pointu. (That is: a blue field bearing a book of magic spells, with copper clasps, over a pointed hat.) As usually rendered, the coat bears a strong resemblance to the coat of arms of the University of Oxford.
The title wizard is said to be derived from the archaic word "Wys-ars", meaning one who, at bottom, is very wise. In fact, the older wizards tend not to understand how magic actually works at all, instead relying on centuries of lore to achieve their effects. Younger wizards enthusiastically experiment, pushing back the boundaries of knowledge and making new discoveries about the nature of the universe. They don't understand how magic works either, but have much more exciting words to explain why not. These often invoke images of particle physics. The main issue is a generalized worry to where the power actually comes from and what sort of (often eldrich and downright monsterous) entities excessive use can attract.
An eighth son of an eighth son is automatically a wizard. When a wizard nears death – which they know some time in advance – he formally passes on his staff to a newborn wizard. If a wizard happens to have an eighth son, this child will be a "wizard squared" or "Sourcerer", as he generates his own magic and can therefore do just about anything with no effort. This is very dangerous, both because absolute power corrupts absolutely, and because it increases background magic levels considerably. Because of this, wizards generally lack children, due to both rigid celibacy laws and overall non-enabling personality. Besides a mention of Krull (see below) and the prominent Eskarina Smith, all wizards are implicitly male, though this may be a cultural bias of the Unnamed Continent confirmed by narravitium.
Wizards grade magical ability in a series of levels, the highest of which is eight. People without magical ability are "level zero". It was the opinion of many tutors at the time Rincewind was a student that he had a level that was possibly in minus figures, and that the overall magical potential of humanity would actually increase after his death.
Besides the UU, Wizard magic is known to be taught at Bugarup University in Fourecks (Archchancellor, Bill Rincewind) and Krull University in the secretive nation of Krull, as well as the recently-established Braseneck College in Pseudopolis.
Cute Moving Pictures Biography

Cute Moving Pictures Biography

Cute Moving Pictures Biography
Cute Moving Pictures Biography

Cute Moving Pictures Biography

Cute Moving Pictures Biography

Cute Moving Pictures Biography

Cute Moving Pictures Biography

Cute Moving Pictures Biography

Cute Moving Pictures Biography

Cute Moving Pictures Biography
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