Cute Halloween Pictures Biography
With Halloween just around the corner, you have to not only worry about getting the perfect costume together for yourself, but most people are equally concerned about what their pets will wear this year too. With more and more money being spent in the pet costume industry each year, we are seeing some very clever (and pretty hysterical) costumes being put on pets.
So will your furry little friends be dressed up to celebrate Halloween this year or are you going to pass?
Either way, you have to see some of our favorite pet Halloween costumes we’ve come across this year:Whenever we mention Halloween, it feels that it is another reason to give party-goers a reason to party harder in ghostly and bizarre costumes. Another trend that is popular these days is to visit a Halloween theme park to scream yourself silly with the props design and talents dressed up as ghouls.As all of us know, Halloween Day wasn’t a popular in Singapore many years ago as the older generations knew little about this “western” festival. So, what exactly is Halloween Day?
This traditional festival originates from England with centuries of history and it is definitely more than just partying and going around having trick-or-treat.Digging back into history, during the Anglo-Saxon period (450 A.D), Halloween wasn’t mentioned in any text and 31st October of every year was just an ordinary day.
However during the Medieval period (1066 – 1485 A.D) till the 19th century, there was no evidence of any special occasion on 31st October except that it is the eve of All Saint’s Day (that falls on 1st November).In the year 835 AD the Roman Catholic Church made 1st November a church holiday to honour all the saints. Although it was a joyous holiday it was also the eve of All Souls Day, so in Medieval times it became customary to pray for the dead on this date.
Another name for All Saints Day is ‘All Hallows’ (hallow is an archaic English word for ‘saint’). The festival began on All Hallows Eve, the last night of October.Halloween comes from All Hallow Even, the eve (night before) All Hallows day. Therefore, Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day.
Today, Halloween is one of the oldest celebrate festival in the world, dating back more than 2000 years since the Celts who live in Britain.There are beliefs that in some traditions, the spirits of the dead will return to the earthly world on the eve of All Saints Day and to avoid being recognized, people dress will dress up as a ghost themselves to avoid any mishaps. Perhaps, this is the simplest way to explain why is Halloween celebrate in this way today.
In Singapore, some people know Halloween as a “western” ghost festival just like how the Chinese has their “Qing Ming” festival, which is also known as “tomb-sweeping day”. On this day, descendants visit their ancestor’s tombs and to pay respect in remembrance of them.
Cute Halloween Pictures Biography
With Halloween just around the corner, you have to not only worry about getting the perfect costume together for yourself, but most people are equally concerned about what their pets will wear this year too. With more and more money being spent in the pet costume industry each year, we are seeing some very clever (and pretty hysterical) costumes being put on pets.
So will your furry little friends be dressed up to celebrate Halloween this year or are you going to pass?
Either way, you have to see some of our favorite pet Halloween costumes we’ve come across this year:Whenever we mention Halloween, it feels that it is another reason to give party-goers a reason to party harder in ghostly and bizarre costumes. Another trend that is popular these days is to visit a Halloween theme park to scream yourself silly with the props design and talents dressed up as ghouls.As all of us know, Halloween Day wasn’t a popular in Singapore many years ago as the older generations knew little about this “western” festival. So, what exactly is Halloween Day?
This traditional festival originates from England with centuries of history and it is definitely more than just partying and going around having trick-or-treat.Digging back into history, during the Anglo-Saxon period (450 A.D), Halloween wasn’t mentioned in any text and 31st October of every year was just an ordinary day.
However during the Medieval period (1066 – 1485 A.D) till the 19th century, there was no evidence of any special occasion on 31st October except that it is the eve of All Saint’s Day (that falls on 1st November).In the year 835 AD the Roman Catholic Church made 1st November a church holiday to honour all the saints. Although it was a joyous holiday it was also the eve of All Souls Day, so in Medieval times it became customary to pray for the dead on this date.
Another name for All Saints Day is ‘All Hallows’ (hallow is an archaic English word for ‘saint’). The festival began on All Hallows Eve, the last night of October.Halloween comes from All Hallow Even, the eve (night before) All Hallows day. Therefore, Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day.
Today, Halloween is one of the oldest celebrate festival in the world, dating back more than 2000 years since the Celts who live in Britain.There are beliefs that in some traditions, the spirits of the dead will return to the earthly world on the eve of All Saints Day and to avoid being recognized, people dress will dress up as a ghost themselves to avoid any mishaps. Perhaps, this is the simplest way to explain why is Halloween celebrate in this way today.
In Singapore, some people know Halloween as a “western” ghost festival just like how the Chinese has their “Qing Ming” festival, which is also known as “tomb-sweeping day”. On this day, descendants visit their ancestor’s tombs and to pay respect in remembrance of them.
Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography

Cute Halloween Pictures Biography
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